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By Mei Su Bailey | In 2029, Beacon Press will celebrate 175 years of continuous book publishing. In the lead up to that milestone, the Press is drawing from its rich publishing history to reissue a selection of core titles that remain relevant to readers today. The series, “Beacon Press Classics,” will be released throughout 2025 and beyond, beginning with four titles slated for February 4. Read more →

A Q&A with Jeanne Theoharis and Gayatri Patnaik | When I published the original edition, I did so without being able to see a cache of Rosa Parks’s papers that had been held for years by Guernsey’s auction following a dispute over her estate. In late 2014, Howard Buffett, horrified by a news story about how Rosa Parks’s papers and effects were being held by this auction house, instructed his foundation to act, bought them and then donated the papers and photographs to the Library of Congress. Read more →

Primarily known as the president of Planned Parenthood and champion of reproductive rights, Cecile Richards was a feminist activist on more than one front. She brought her A-game to intersectionality in several social justice movements and political arenas. She deserves all the accolades and recognition, the most recent of which was the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Joe Biden at the White House last November. Read more →

A Q&A with Cheryl L. Neely | When I wrote my first book, “You’re Dead—So What?: Media, Police, and the Invisibility of Black Women as Victims of Homicide,” I shared the story of the murder of my schoolmate and friend, Michelle Kimberly Jackson in 1984 in the book’s prologue, focusing on the lack of media coverage and police response it garnered. Her case was solved a few years after the book was released and almost forty years after she was killed. Read more →

A Q&A with Danielle Legros Georges | I recently took an early retirement after teaching graduate students for two decades at Lesley University. When I taught, I was interested in activating the prior knowledge of my students, understanding that they had much to contribute to the learning spaces we were co-creating and supporting their learning goals within the context of broader curricula. Another goal of mine was aiming to provide access to content through multiple methods and lenses. Read more →