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20 posts from October 2007

The Legacy of Lynchings in Halloween Decorations

Halloween is a time for "gallows humor," but macabre displays of fake bodies swaying from trees are not a laughing matter for those who understand the legacy of lynching in America. From Crystal Lake, Florida, to Stratford, Connecticut, hanging dummies... Read more →

How to solve the problem of illegal immigration with the stroke of a pen

by Aviva Chomsky As I’ve been doing interviews and talks over the past several months about my book, "They Take Our Jobs!" And 20 Other Myths About Immigration, I've become more and more convinced that a key, central issue that's... Read more →

One Boy, One Gene, and The Purpose of Life

This week, we've been thinking about families, and in particular relationships between generations. Today, Clare Dunsford talks about the specific challenges and rewards of raising a child with special needs and his own special way of looking at the world.... Read more →

"Compassionate Conservatism" and the "Undeserving Poor"

by Annelise Orleck On Wednesday October 3, President George W. Bush vetoed a bill that allocated $35 billion over the next five years to expand the number of children eligible for the successful and popular State Children’s Health Insurance Program... Read more →