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International Non-Violence Day

October 2 is Gandhi's birthday and also the first International Non-Violence Day. Does this mean that the headlines tomorrow will be devoid of murder, war, and oppression? Unlikely, but it does give us a chance to reflect of the teachings of Gandhi and what they mean to us today.

The Toronto Star features a story about a school celebrating the day by highlighting Gandhi's teachings:

Mounica Gudivada, 13, used to get into a lot of fights, but Gandhi has “inspired me to be a better person.”

“An eye for an eye turns the whole world blind. You must be the change you want to see in the world,” she added, quoting Gandhi.

“He taught me it's better to solve conflicts in a peaceful way. If I'm mad, I count to 10. I'm a much calmer person now.”

Blogbharti, an Indian blog aggregator site, collects some great musings on the life of Gandhi.

And Pablo Ouziel guest blogs on Consortium News where he calls on all of us to end the violence of our governments:

...I am inclined to blame the common people who through a combination of indifference, fear and lack of reason, are allowing their government representatives and a few corporations to accumulate wealth and power, while destroying the planet in which we all live.... If we use International Non-violence Day to reflect on Gandhi's teachings and his struggle for freedom, we might learn from his own words that, “as human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world - that is the myth of the atomic age - as in being able to remake ourselves.”

If you would like to read more about Gandhi's life and teachings, you can start with An Autobiography — The Story of My Experiments With Truth.
