Jewish Book Month recommended reading: Lion's Honey by David Grossman
My Angel in the Desert: One Soldier's Story of War

Katherine Newman on the Missing Class

The Missing Class Katherine Newman appeared on Bill Moyers Journal last week (you can watch the show here) to talk about the subjects raised in her new book (with Victor Tan Chen), The Missing Class. The book (reviewed recently in the Boston Globe) focuses on the struggles nearly 50 million American families cope with as they try to survive just above the poverty line.

The Moyers Journal website is fantastic. Rather than providing just a cursory description of each show, the site has an extensive summary, video, transcript, links to related content both on their website and around the web, and a blog with a vibrant comments section. It’s an excellent example of how the web can continue the conversations started in traditional media (something we care a bit about around here as well!).

We’re gearing up for a full week of Veteran’s Day Coverage beginning tomorrow. With posts from Marcus Eriksen on his experiences in the Gulf War, Helen Benedict on women in the military, Penny Coleman on preventing vet suicides, and more, we hope to use this week to foster discussion of the difficult issues facing veterans. We hope you’ll tune in and spread the word.
