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13 posts from December 2007

By Thomas Norman DeWolf

Slavery was the fuel that drove the entire industrial revolution and gave white people a sense of privilege, place, and entitlement that persists today. When we examine significant social indicators—wealth, infant mortality rates, the likelihood of imprisonment, homicide rates, access to housing, health care, employment, higher education, and so on—we find that blacks fall on the negative side of the dividing line. This is a legacy of slavery, and it is systemic. Read more →

"Mission Accomplished": O'Reilly Declares Victory in the War on Christmas

by Frederick S. Lane Forty or so years ago, a U.S. Senator from Vermont by the name of George Aiken wisely advised both Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon that the United States should simply declare victory in Vietnam and bring... Read more →

The Email That Ended a Career: Intelligent Design and Texas Education

by Glenn Branch I send a lot of e-mail in the course of the average day, and ordinarily nobody is fired as a result. But I’m not always so lucky. I work at the National Center for Science Education, a... Read more →

Et tu, Democrats?! Abstinence-Only Sex Education and The Politics of the Budget

by Carole Joffe After nearly seven years of the George W. Bush presidency and its regressive sexual and reproductive politics, it is no surprise that this administration continues to staunchly support "abstinence-only sex education." The fact that study after study—including... Read more →