Celebrating the Inaugural in a Bipartisan Marriage
Black History Year

Link Roundup: Inauguration Edition

Thomas DeWolf made the trip to Washington after meeting Obama's train in Baltimore: see posts and pics here, here and here.

Bill Ayers embraces the "magic of the moment."

Danya Ruttenberg offers an appropriate Jewish blessing for the occasion.

Kate Clinton thinks the White House needs a "saging."

Courting Equality and Susan Campbell both discuss the Gene Robinson invocation that was left out of Sunday's welcoming concert on HBO.

A couple of Beacon books (Gandhi's autobiography and James Baldwin's Notes of a Native Son) make Obama-inspired recommended reading lists.

Harvard's Humanist Chaplain noticed a rare moment in the inaugural speech: acknowledgment of non-believers.

Concerned that the Justice Roberts swearing-in flub means we don't really have a President today? SCOTUS blog explains why the "faithfully" issue won't cause a constitutional crisis.

Graywolf Press will release Elizabeth Alexander's inaugural poem as a chapbook in a couple of weeks. Speedy!
