Observation Post by Philip C. Winslow: Evictions in Sheikh Jarrah
Stacy Mitchell: An Overlooked Strategy for Fighting Global Warming

Link Roundup: Gender and Jobs, Ramadan, Deportations of U.S. Citizens

In gender-panic news, a world champion runner comes under scrutiny and a trans woman is asked to prove her gender with visual aids for a temp job.

President Obama shares a Ramadan message.

Two great Killing the Buddha posts, one about Ramadan and the other about women and Islam: Hunger is God's Food (which was featured in Believer Beware) and an essay about the search for the New Muslim Woman.

Thomas DeWolf posts about his cousin, Katrina Browne, who had an article on CNN.com discussing why the U.S. should apologize for slavery, for a start.

Jay Matthews at the Washington Post takes a very favorable look at Write These Laws on Your Children.

Even U.S. citizens can be deported.

The Takeaway asks Mark Hyman (and others) about what kids learn from team sports.
