Frederick S. Lane: The Nudists Were Right
David R. Dow: Legal Group Abandons Death Penalty, But Will it Bring "Tectonic" Change to Texas?

Beacon Mourns the Passing of Two Authors: Don Belton and Mary Daly

A note from Beacon Press director Helene Atwan:

This holiday was a sad one for the press: we lost two very powerful voices. Don Belton was a courageous advocate for gay men in the black community and a bold, even irreverent, writer. We were proud to publish his landmark anthology, Speak My Name, and had hoped to be able to offer his memoir; perhaps some drafts will be discovered among his papers. 

Mary Daly was famous for rocking the patriarchal firmament. I had known of her before I was privileged to come to know and work with her, and she did not disappoint. I once made the terrible mistake of describing her work as "seminal" while introducing her at a lecture; I haven’t used the word since. She taught me a great deal about the insidious power of language, about helping an author make her point without daring to shape it in any way, about being a supporter without being a sycophant. Like anyone calling herself a feminist, I will miss her.

Mary Daly obituary at the Catholic Reporter

Mary Daly's Beacon Press books

Indiana University press release about the death of Don Belton

Don Belton: 1956-2009 by Reginald Harris at his blog, Noctuary

Speak My Name: Black Men, Masculinity and the American Dream
