Video: Mark Winne on Progress in Closing the Food Gap
Still Talking Taxes

A Note from the Blog Editor

Beaconhillspring I usually prefer to remain a silent editor, allowing our authors' voices to carry the day here on the blog, but I wanted to let all of our readers know that there will be a different person running Beacon Broadside for the next few months. Allison Trzop, who has posted here and here and is an Associate Editor responsible for launching Beacon's new graphic books list, nurturing our sports list, and in general bringing us some pretty terrific books, will serve as blog editor while I am out on maternity leave. It is extremely difficult to leave Beacon Hill when it looks so gorgeous in all its springtime glory, but I look forward to returning post-Independence Day. Enjoy all the fabulous content while I'm gone!

With warmest regards,
Jessie Bennett, Blog Editor
