The World’s First Habitat and Species Protection Laws
Prison Economics: Paying for Punishment

Link Roundup: Lifting Our Voices

We've been listening to vital voices recently here at Beacon and hope you'll spend some time with them as well. We invite you to then lift your own in our comments section.

Author Fred Pearce joins Jon Stewart on "The Daily Show" to discuss The Coming Population Crash. Pearce also gives a lively interview over on in which he asserts that feminism and pop culture are preventing Earth from becoming too overcrowded.

Listen to Bruce Rich discuss To Uphold the World on Wisconsin Public Radio's "Here on Earth."

Allison Martin reviews Dana Sachs's "gripping" new book about the aftermath of Operation Babylift, the story of how, in 1975, the U.S. government airlifted nearly 3,000 displaced children out of wartime Vietnam. Martin's website is devoted to helping families who are adopting children from Vietnam.

Check out David Chura's article on the Huffington Post, "Jail's Racism Gets Worse: But Who Really Cares?" where he confronts the baffling American belief that justice is colorblind.

On a more somber note, Beacon Press mourns the passing of Civil Rights leader and renowned activist for racial justice and gender equality, Dr. Dorothy Irene Height, who died early the morning of April 20th at the age of 98. Among her lifetime of distinguished and selfless service, Dr. Height served as chair and national president of the National Council of Negro Women and worked on the original Historical Cookbook of the American Negro. You can listen to snippets of her speaking courtesy of NPR's "Morning Edition."
