An Update on William Ayers: Doublespeak at the University of Wyoming
Nancy Rubin Stuart: Bumper Sticker Distortions of a Founding Mother

Link Roundup: Weekend Listening

If you are reading this in Massachusetts or Maine, odds are good you're enjoying a three-day weekend thanks to Patriots' Day, which our history editor explains involves something historic, but many Bostonians understand to be the day everyone watches the Boston Marathon. Even if you are reading outside the region, we hope you enjoy these recent media appearances by Beacon Press authors et al:

On "The View," the ladies talk to the Trebing family about their quest for a donor sibling to help heal their daughter, a moving true story veteran journalist Beth Whitehouse tells in her new book The Match.

Listen to Fred Pearce discuss The Coming Population Crash on WNYC's "The Brian Lehrer Show."

Dana Sachs joins NPR's "Talk of the Nation" host Neal Conan to discuss Operation Babylift and how, in 1975, the U.S. government airlifted nearly 3,000 displaced children out of wartime Vietnam.

A Beacon Press editor related to the pink bird in the intro of "The Dylan Ratigan Show" recommends this Story Pirates video on financial deregulation. “This,” she says, “is what I call educational programming.”
