Juvenile Justice Reform: A Law That Congress Needs to Pass
Michael Lanza: A Family Trip Descending into the Heart of the Grand Canyon

Link Roundup: Current Thoughts on Current Affairs

As current events continue to shape world on a daily basis, our authors have become prominent voices in speaking for topics that that range from human rights to environmental conservation. Take a look at some of the attention our authors have been getting this past week:

In his book To Uphold the World, author Bruce Rich writes about the Indian emperor Ashoka and his principles of peace and non-violence. In a recent response to the BP oil spill, Rich has published a piece for the Washington Post's blog, Political Bookworm, questioning the possibility of a universal code of ethics.

Carlos Ball, author of From the Closet to the Courtroom, describes in detail five of the most influential court cases in the realm of LGBT rights. In a recent article for the Huffington Post, Ball describes how the election of President Obama was a turning point in LGBT rights; however, in retrospect, little has actually been accomplished.

Gail Dines, author of Pornland, is a prominent voice on how porn has become a sexist, racist, and violent industry. In an article for Mother Jones, Dines (in Washington D.C. with other anti-porn activists) is quoted for her position against porn when she says, "The days of women wearing a coy smile and not much else are long gone."  

In keeping with the realm of the psychological, The Lonely American, by Jacqueline Olds MD and Richard S. Schwartz MD, looks at the overwhelming evidence that more Americans are living alone today, affecting not only their physical and mental health, but also the personal interactions within the society as a whole. In a wonderful review looking deeper into this research, the Greater Good, concludes: "turn off your computers, go knock on your neighbor's door, and don't take 'no' for an answer."
