Honoring our Veterans, Understanding their Challenges
Kye Allums, Trans Athletes, and a Modest Proposal for Inclusive Sports

Link Roundup: Lab Rats, Falling Back, and Politically Aware Books

Considering a career change? We don't advise "human guinea pig." The CBC's Quirks and Quarks talks to two lab-rats-by-choice and Dr. Carl Elliott, author of White Coat, Black Hat: Adventures on the Dark Side of Medicine.

Mary Oliver was featured in a selection of poems at the NY Times in honor of the end of Daylight Savings Time.

On the HuffPo, Anis Shivani rounds up the the best social and political awareness books of 2010, including The Coming Population Crash by Fred Pearce. 

First online mention for one of our Fall 2011 titles: Remembering the Music by Kate Whouley, author of Cottage for Sale: Must be Moved.

On Mark Hyman's Youth Sports Parents blog: Lou Gehrig might not have died from Lou Gehrig's disease.

More magazine takes a look at young feminists, including Courtney E. Martin.

Nancy Polikoff parses a new study of kids in lesbian families.

