Lewis Baldwin on Capturing the True Spirit of King
Black History Month: Personal Histories

Media Roundup: Anita Hill, Boomerang Kids, and What Great-Grandma Really Ate

Boomerang benefits: adult children return home "new and improved." Katherine Newman in Time Ideas. We hope so: about a fifth of men aged 25 to 34 are back at home! For more, listen to this interview on Marketplace Money.

Anita Hill discussed housing and poverty with Melissa Harris-Perry on her new (and fantastic) MSNBC Sunday morning show. Also check out her turn as a Sunday morning pundit on a panel with Maria Teresa Kumar, Harry Smith and Michael Steele. And read our Storify collection of the best tweets about the show.

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"What Would Great-Grandma Eat?"  Aaron Bobrow-Strain in the Chronicle Review. A tasty excerpt:

For many foodies in contemporary America, of course, the past has no pitfalls. For them, yesteryear is a land where everyone grew up instinctively knowing the difference between "real" and "fake" food—wisdom we seem to have lost. Recently this attitude has crystallized in a popular axiom echoed from the pages of Pollan's Food Rules to the set of Oprah: If your great-grandmother wouldn't recognize it as food, don't eat it.

It's a simple, homey rule with immediate nostalgic appeal. I can even look past its questionable cultural assumptions. (My great-grandmother wouldn't have recognized many of my favorite Ethiopian, Thai, and Mexican dishes as human food.) But, as I dug into the history of battles over bread, I realized that this whole nostalgic perspective had a bigger problem: What if Great-Grandmother was just as conflicted about food as we are?

While researching my book, I discovered that my own great-grandmother's relation to her family's staple food was far less straightforward than I would have assumed. Her story suggests a lot about the contradictory mix of anxieties and aspirations tugging at the mind of early-20th-century eaters when they chose their bread.

A review of Hanne Blank's Straight on Indian Country Today Media Network looks at how the book speaks to two-spirit people

