Dosed: The Medication Generation Grows Up
From Hate to Love: Why "40 Days of Prayer" is Under Attack by the Christian Right

Media Roundup: Kate Bornstein on Miss Universe, Kai Wright on non-discrimination in federal contracts

Can we tell you how much I love the Melissa Harris-Perry Show on MSNBC? This Sunday, she invited Kate Bornstein (A Queer and Pleasant Danger) to talk about the Miss Universe pageant in one of the coolest, most informative TV segments on transgender identity I've ever seen on TV. Watch below (or, if the embed doesn't work, click the link here). 

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The segment was picked up by some great blogs. Add your own links in the comments and we'll update them here:

The Advocate

Philly Mag

Pam's House Blend

DC's Metro Weekly 


The New Civil Rights Movement 

Julie Bolcer 

The next segment brought in Kai Wright to discuss the Obama administration's mixed record on addressing discrimination against LGBTQ people. Again, gratitude to MHP for making weekend mornings a time to get smarter. Go #Nerdland! 

At Daily Beast, Casey Schwartz reviews Kaitlin Bell Barnett's new book, Dosed: The Medication Generation Grows Up, saying of the book, "This conversation is long overdue." You can also watch Kaitlin Bell Barnett on the The Big Picture with Thom Hartmann.

Watch Elizabeth Holtzman on BookTV discussing Cheating Justice

The Boston Globe's terrific food writer Devra First interviewed Aaron Bobrow-Strain about White Bread: A Social History of the Store-Bought Loaf. The debate over white bread goes all the way back to Plato! 

