The Long Walk to Freedom: Runaway Slave Narratives
A Year After the Departure of Steve Jobs, Does Apple “Think Different?”

Beacon Buzz: How Evangelicals Could Grow to Love Muslims

Notable Mentions:

7748 (1)Sacred Ground: Pluralism, Prejudice, and the Promise of America by Eboo Patel

Opinion piece on the CNN Belief Blog: "How Evangelicals Could Grow to Love Muslims"

It is easy to draw a straight line between the evangelical anti-Catholic prejudice of previous generations and the Islamophobia of today, essentially saying that “evangelicals have to hate someone.”

But that’s too cynical a take for me. The more interesting - and certainly more hopeful - storyline is the one about change.

Evangelical attitudes changed markedly towards Catholics in the past generation, and they are changing towards Muslims now.

Column in USA Today: "The Dilemma of Religious Diversity"

My point is that in this era, the question of age when it comes to engaging religious diversity is moot. We are literally born into a condition of interfaith interaction. Our children will be raised in an environment of religious diversity — from a Mormon presidential hopeful, to Olympic athletes competing in Islamic head scarfs, to the images of a Wisconsin Sikh community mourning after a terrible attack.


Overdiagnosed:Making People Sick in the Pursuit of Health by H. Gilbert Welch, Lisa Schwartz and Steve Woloshin

Op-ed by Dr. Welch in the New York Times Aug 20: "Testing What We Think We Know"

The truth is that for a large part of medical practice, we don’t know what works. But we pay for it anyway. Our annual per capita health care expenditure is now over $8,000. Many countries pay half that — and enjoy similar, often better, outcomes. Isn’t it time to learn which practices, in fact, improve our health, and which ones don’t?


Harvest the Wind: America’s Journey to Jobs, Energy Independence, and Climate Stability by Philip Warburg

Author letter to the editor in the New York Times

According to a report released by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in June, America could supply nearly half our total power needs from wind and solar energy by 2050, using technology that is commercially available today. Imagine what that would do to our country’s carbon footprint.

To move America toward a more sustainable energy future, we need national leadership that will check the excesses of well-entrenched fossil fuel interests while encouraging cleaner alternatives like wind.


The Land Grabbers: The New Fight over Who Owns the Earth by Fred Pearce

Read an excerpt online at "The Price of Food"


A Queer and Pleasant Danger by Kate Bornstein

Santa Cruz Sentinel interview:

The Village Voice featured Bornstein in the piece “The Top 25 People Crippling Scientology--2012 Edition!”


Dispatches from the Abortion Wars by Carole Joffe

Opinion piece at RH Reality Check examining the differences in rhetoric and life choices by some pro-life candidates.

Appearance on Boston Public Radio at WGBH discussing Rep. Todd Akin's comments on abortion and rape. 


Author Events:

LIPMAN-TweetLandofLibertyTweet Land of Liberty: Irreverent Rhymes from the Political Circus by Elinor Lipman

September 6th, 2012: Corner Bookstore (NYC)

September 23rd, 2012: Writers for Obama and Elizabeth Warren at the Hotel Northampton (Northhampton, MA)

September 24th, 2012: Broadside Books at 7 PM

September 27th, 2012: Women & Children First (Chicago, IL)

September 28th-29th, 2012: Ragdale Foundation, Lake Forest, IL

October 2nd, 2012: Port Washington Public Library (Port Washington, NY)

October 10th, 2012: Brookline Booksmith (Brookline, MA)

October 11th, 2012: Worcester Public Library

October 17th, 2012: Hewlett Woodmere Public Library (Long Island)

October 30th, 2012: Porter Square Books (Cambridge, MA)



Gather at the Table: The Healing Journey of a Daughter of Slavery and a Son of the Slave Trade, Thomas N. Dewolf and Sharon Morgan (October)

October 9: Gather at the Table book launch — 6:00pm, Martin Chapel; Eastern Mennonite University, 1200 Park Road, Harrisonburg, Virginia

October 14: Davies Memorial Unitarian Universalist Church — 10:30am, 7400 Temple Hills Rd. Camp Springs, MD

October 17: Bloomsburg University — schedule pending, 400 East Second Street Bloomsburg, PA

October 24: Trinity Church Boston — 7:00pm, 206 Clarendon Street, Boston, MA 02116

October 25: Harriet Beecher Stowe Center — 5:00pm, 77 Forest Street, Hartford, CT

November 9: African American Jazz Caucus event– schedule & location pending, Indianapolis, Indiana

November 10-12: Southwest Michigan Black Heritage Society – multiple events in multiple venues, details to come, Kalamazoo, Michigan


Mary Oliver (award-winning author of numerous books of poetry, including twelve available from Beacon Press.)

October 15, 2012 New York, NY: 92nd Street Y

Wednesday & Thursday, October 24 & 25, 2012 Boston, MA: Boston Museum of Fine Arts 

Sunday, October 28, 2012  Bethesda, MD:  The Strathmore PAC.  Evening Joint Reading with Mary Oliver & Billy Collins

Monday, November 12, 2012 Milwaukee, WI: Marquette University  
