Won't Back Down: Myth-Making Can't Stand Up to Real Life Education Heroes
Indigenous Peoples Day: Disability History and North American Indigenous Culture

Beacon Buzz

Beacon Authors in the Media:

SacredgroundSacred Ground: Pluralism, Prejudice, and the Promise of America by Eboo Patel

Eboo Patel asks colleges, "Do your students learn everything they know about Islam from their Facebook news feed?" Inside Higher Ed


Overdiagnosed:Making People Sick in the Pursuit of Health by H. Gilbert Welch, Lisa Schwartz and Steve Woloshin

Author appearance on PBS "Money & Medicine" (Reading List)


White Bread: A Social History of the Store-Bought Loaf by Aaron Bobrow-Strain

Fox Foodie Column column on FoxNews.com looking at the history and healthfulness of white bread.


Coming Soon:

The $60,000 Dog: My Life With Animals by Lauren Slater, November 20, 2012

Booklist review Oct 15: “A thoughtful examination of a sometimes difficult life, ameliorated and often alleviated by connections with nature and animals. . . .Dogs, wasps, and bats also figure in a poetic narrative that gives the reader a melodic look into a deeply considered life."


My Mother’s Wars by Lillian Faderman, Mar. 05, 2013

“Lillian Faderman is an extraordinary storyteller, one of the few who can tell a painful story, with a complex ending—and imbue it with humor, sensuality and earthy grace, in every sentence.”—Amy Bloom, author of Away


The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks by Jeanne Theoharis, Jan. 29, 2013

Jeanne Theoharis, author of The Rebellious Mrs. Rosa Parks has been  selected to keynote MLK Sunrise Celebration the Mid-Winter Meeting of  ALA. 6:30-7:45am on Monday, January 28 in Seattle, WA


What Doctors Feel: How Emotions Affect the Practice of Medicine by Danielle Ofri, June 04, 2013

Essay in the New York Times“Women Still Missing from Medicine's Top Ranks.”


Author Events:

AnitahillReimagining Equality: Stories of Gender, Race, and Finding Home by Anita Hill

Author events include:
Oct 11 at Tufts Medical Center (Boston, MA)
Oct 18 at Brandeis House (New York)
Oct 23 at Harriet Tubman House (Boston)
Oct 27 at Boston Book Festival (Boston Public Library)
Oct 31 at Claremont McKenna College (Claremont, CA)
Nov 07 at USTA Serves (White Plain, NY)
Dec 06 at National Archives Records Center (Waltham, MA)


A Queer and Pleasant Danger: The true story of a nice Jewish boy who joins the Church of Scientology and leaves twelve years later to become the lovely lady she is today by Kate Bornstein

Brooklyn Book Fair on Sept 23
Twin Cities Book Festival Oct 13
Miami Book Fair Nov 16-18
