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Resisting the Myth of Guns and Power

A Giveaway to Help With Grief, and Our Thanks to Random House

As we began our work week on Monday, we mourned with the rest of the country the deaths at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. We, like many others, wanted to help in some way, and thought our best response would be to share books that could offer comfort and guidance: Earl A. Grollman's Living When a Loved One Has Died and Talking About Death: A Dialogue Between Parent and Child

When we posted the offer, we were met with an immediate, emotional response from our Facebook fans and Twitter followers. The posts were shared and retweeted, and emails forwarded to friends in need.

Our distributor, Random House, offered its help with fulfilling the large number of requests we received, waiving all charges to Beacon for shipping the orders. We especially want to thank the people who work in their Westminster, MD, warehouse, who found a way to schedule this special project during a busy season while they were getting ready for their holiday breaks. In all, we'll be mailing approximately 2,500 books, and about 90% will be shipped through Random House. We are deeply grateful for their generosity. 

We hope everyone who receives books will share them with others in their communities who have a need for these resources.

We're including additional resources below shared by the Unitarian Universalist Association.

Trauma Response Resources for Families and Congregations

Recommended Titles

Crisis Planning/Preparation

Promote Congregational Safety

  • Protecting Your Church from Crime and Violence. Regular price: $17.95. Sale price: $14.95. Nine chapters. Particularly recommended: "A Shooter in the House—A Police Officer's Advice on How to Prevent and React to, a Gunman at Church." The entire document is 24 pages long.
  • Confronting Gun Violence at Church. Regular price: $17.95. Nine chapters. Particularly recommended: "Should Our Church Have an Armed Security Guard?" The entire document is 22 pages long.

