Beacon Books at Audible: Fugitive Days by Bill Ayers
Into Great Silence: A Memoir of Discovery and Loss Among Vanishing Orcas

GIVEAWAY: in honor of Anita Hill at Sundance, free books from Beacon Press and Feminist Press

On October 11, 1991, Anita Hill forever changed the way Americans think about sexual harassment in the workplace. Now, more than twenty years later, Academy Award-winning filmmaker Freida Mock brings her story to the big screen. All four screenings of this weekend's premiere of Anita at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival have sold out. For those of us who can't make it to Park City, we offer another way to celebrate the woman who inspired the film and her continued relevance to our national conversation about gender and racial equality. Join us in saying, "We still believe Anita Hill!"

Anita_hill_sundance_giveawayBeacon Press and Feminist Press are teaming up for a book giveaway. Five people will win one copy of Reimagining Equality: Stories of Gender, Race, and Finding Home by Anita Hill (Beacon Press) and one copy of I Still Believe Anita Hill edited by Amy Richards & Cynthia Greenberg (Feminist Press).

Submit your entry below by January 24, 2013, 5 pm eastern. One entry per person. Drawing open to residents of US and Canada only.

Read an excerpt of Reimagining Equality on Scribd.

Read an interview with Anita Hill at the LA Times. 

Click below to Tweet that you still believe Anita Hill!

