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15 posts from May 2014

By Fran Hawthorne #487818109 / Why are prescription drug prices so high in the U.S.? Pfizer’s attempt to acquire the giant British drug company AstraZeneca—which finally collapsed in late May—pinpoints several reasons in a nutshell. (Or should I say,... Read more →

By Fran Hawthorne Mount Storm Coal-Fired Power Station in West Virginia (by user Raeky via Wikimedia Commons) “Even if Stanford [University] divested itself fully of all its stocks, both fossil fuel and nonfossil, it would probably take the market less... Read more →

In November of 2003, when a Massachusetts court declared the ban on same-sex marriages unconstitutional in that state, Catherine Reid was left with an unexpected choice: to get married, or not. As the ten year anniversary of marriage equality in Massachusetts approaches, Reid, in this excerpt from Falling Into Place, takes us back to those heady early days of victory and apprehension after the first marriage licenses could be issued to same-sex partners. Read more →

Our fascination with predators is obvious, but it’s also conflicting. We both fear and respect them. Simultaneously, we find them beautiful and abhorrent. Wildlife management expert John Shivik has a term for this conundrum. He calls it "the predator paradox." At the root of the paradox is one resounding question: Can humans and mammalian predators coexist? Up until now, the answer has been yes—but at a staggering price. Shivik’s new book—aptly titled 'The Predator Paradox: Ending the War with Wolves, Bears, Cougars, and Coyotes,' available now from Beacon Press—explains that predators have long been paying with their lives for their human neighbors’ peace of mind. Read more →

In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, we have the story of one teacher whose creative, engaging lesson plans caused waves with her standards-obsessed colleagues but helped inspire her students—and herself—to strive for something greater than test scores...the well-being of the students themselves. Read more →

In 1870, Julia Ward Howe wrote a pacifist rallying cry to mothers everywhere that became the roots of a more activist, socially conscious version of Mother's Day than the one we've come to know. This year, Deborah Jiang Stein and the UUA are calling on us to return Mother's Day to its activist roots. Read more →