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14 posts from October 2014

This year, in the 40th anniversary of the explosion that was Boston busing, ALL SOULS author Michael Patrick MacDonald says it’s time to be clear: busing wasn’t just about black and white. It was also about green—who had some in their pockets, and who didn’t. Read more →

Cornel West's BLACK PROPHETIC FIRE is an unflinching look at nineteenth- and twentieth-century African American leaders and their visionary legacies. It's also a roadmap to how we can move beyond Ferguson and our current moment of racial disillusionment. Read more →

A Q&A with activist and historian Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, whose new book An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States was published last month. Read more →

Today, on the 145th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi’s birth, we look back to an historic meeting in 1935, when the idea of nonviolent civil disobedience passed from India’s spiritual leader to Howard Thurman, the man who would deeply influence an entire generation of black ministers and civil rights leaders—among them Martin Luther King Jr. Read more →