Educators Tweet Their Praise for Christopher Emdin’s Wisdom and Guidance
May 25, 2016
One of the most gratifying aspects of working on Dr. Christopher Emdin’s New York Times bestselling book, For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood…and the Rest of Y’all Too: Reality Pedagogy and Urban Education, is seeing the reaction of educators on Twitter. Since it went on sale this past March, the book has elicited enthusiastic and thoughtful tweets, fulfilling a definite need in the conversation concerning urban education.
It helps to have an impassioned author with an already built-in Twitter following (Emdin’s successful #HipHopEd community) as well as a winning combination of a provocative title, gorgeous cover—to see how the cover was made, please check out this great blog piece from former Beacon Press Designer Gabi Anderson here—and a book with practical, meaningful ideas for not just white folks, but all educators.
Below is a look at several of my favorite responses to the book from a variety of educators on Twitter, reposted with their permission.
Aaron Brengard, a principal at San Jose’s Katherine Smith Elementary School, is using For White Folks as a resource and book club with his staff.
“Hey @chrisemdin - #forwhitefolks still going- nothing but amazing conversations & holding one another accountable.”
Taylor Fulcher, who works with the Nashville Charter School organization, RePublic, thinks the book is required reading for all educators.
“This! Thank you @chrisemdin! Run, don’t walk, to pick up & read “For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood…” Amazing.
P. L. Thomas, a professor of Education at Furman University in Greenville, SC, shared this highlighted passage from the book on his Twitter feed. Thomas has been an enthusiastic supporter of the book since it went on sale.
“May we say ‘preach’”? @chrisemdin
Mr. W, a teacher with a passion for special education, reminded educators online that there’s always time to read about reality pedagogy between classes.
“Reading @chrisemdin latest book between teaching classes”
Kevin Winebold, a musical director in NYC, is a big fan of the cover of the book.
“Don’t judge a book by its cover unless it’s this one. Then purchase instantly. Thanks @chrisemdin. Can’t wait to read.”
Alexis Finley found a good use of her new Kindle to highlight some of her favorite passages from the book here.
“Just finished #ForWhiteFolks @chrisemdin Put the new Kindle to good use noting a lot of great content and ideas.
Emdin’s Twitter following has grown exponentially since his book went on sale, and will continue to do so. As Race, Education, and Democracy Series editor Theresa Perry wrote in the book’s Series Note: “[For White Folks] is filled with wisdom, theoretical and practical knowledge that has been formed in praxis. It is required reading for teachers, teacher educators, and community activists…it is smart, compelling, filled with emotions, and brimming over with commitment.”
About the Author
Nicholas DiSabatino is the publicist at Beacon Press.