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A List of Resources on Gun Control, Sexual Assault, and Healthcare in America

HandgunIn light of the latest issues concerning gun control, sexual assault, and healthcare in America, we’re offering a list of resources for you to look through.

The Las Vegas shooting that killed fifty-nine people and injured more than five hundred has us talking about gun control again. Even though, just a couple of weeks later, the media seem to have moved on to other topics, we need to keep the conversation going.

Every day, there seems to be new cases of individuals from different professions speaking up about their experiences with sexual assault. Allegations against USA gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar, film producer Harvey Weinstein, and others highlight, again, how rape culture is still pervasive in all industries. As more and more women come forward to say, “Me Too,” now is the time for us to say, “I believe you.”

And access to the healthcare services we need is in a precarious state. The Trump administration has issued a healthcare executive order to dismantle the Affordable Care Act and rolled back the Obama-era birth control mandate. What’s more, the Senate budget bill is proposing cuts to Medicaid and Medicare. So much is especially at stake for vulnerable populations who don’t have healthcare.

We hope you find these resources helpful.


Gun Control:

Sexual Assault:

Healthcare in America:
