Rest in Power, Toni Morrison
A Brief Tribute to Toni Morrison

In the Wake of El Paso and Dayton, Beacon Press Offers Free eBook Resources

By Helene Atwan


Like most of us living in the US, I was sickened by this weekend’s news of shootings in El Paso and Dayton. Coming into work, feeling so stricken by these events, I was heartened by the fact that I could turn to a group of colleagues and immediately begin talking about what kind of resources we could offer in the wake of these senseless tragedies. I feel, as I often do, heartened to be working in an environment where it is our job to try to create these resources.

And as a nonprofit, we can make some of these resources available for free, or at least donate our profits to other nonprofits working on these issues more directly, as is the case with 2 of our books that address gun violence: “Guns Don’t Kill People, People Kill People”: And Others Myths About Guns and Gun Control, by Dennis A. Henigan, and the landmark poetry anthology, Bullets into Bells: Poets & Citizens Respond to Gun Violence, coedited by Brian Clements, Alexandra Teague, and Dean Rader. Both books are now available for free wherever eBooks are sold.

Gun books

We also have resources for better understanding the rhetoric of hate, white supremacist groups that continue to spread hatred, several books about the contributions of immigrants to our society, and the struggles immigrants endure today. Please see the books and blog posts below. And join us not merely in empathy, but in pressing for action.

Dismantling White Supremacy and Hate


About the Author 

Helene Atwan has been the director of Beacon Press since 1995.

