The Indigenous Roots of Modern Feminism
She Will Not Be Silenced: A Reading List to Celebrate Women’s History Month

A Note to Our Community

Igniting Hearts and Minds

The coronavirus is an unprecedented crisis that is impacting our lives in significant ways. In our ongoing efforts to promote public safety during the COVID-19 outbreak, Beacon Press staff started working from home last week and will continue to do so until further notice.

While some things are in flux, you should know that we are continuing to work hard—and creatively—on getting the books we publish in front of the right audiences. We are up for the challenge and every Beaconite is committed to this effort. We continue to monitor the situation and are in regular communication with all our partners—printers, retailers, and distributors—so we can make the best decisions for our books.

We recognize this is an especially challenging time for independent booksellers and we are proud to have made a matching gift challenge to support the Book Industry Charitable Foundation (BINC). BINC is an organization the provides financial assistance to booksellers who become ill or are unable to work due to a mandatory quarantine.

We’re so proud that our books can be resources for people in troubled times, and that we have so many classics and new titles to offer solace and support. We are in an uncharted territory together, but we will overcome these challenges together.


The Staff at Beacon Press
