Department of Congratulations
April 15, 2010
Beacon Press congratulates Bellevue Literary Press for Paul Harding's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel. Read more →
Beacon Press congratulates Bellevue Literary Press for Paul Harding's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel. Read more →
Sit back and watch or listen to some recent media appearances by Beacon authors. Read more →
Today's post is from Tom Hallock, Associate Publisher of Beacon Press. Last week, Beacon announced a change in its distribution from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt to Random House Publisher Services which will be effective July 1, 2010. It's a big change... Read more →
Beacon Press director Helene Atwan offers this remembrance of historian, author, playwright, social activist, and friend Howard Zinn. Read more →
A note from Beacon Press director Helene Atwan about the recent deaths of two Beacon authors. Read more →
Eboo Patel, founder and executive director of Interfaith Youth Core, won the 2010 Louisville Grawemeyer award in religion for his autobiography, Acts of Faith: The Story of an American Muslim, the Struggle for the Soul of a Generation Read more →
Today's post is from Helene Atwan, Director of Beacon Press. She recently attended the 75th birthday celebration of Sonia Sanchez, an award-winning poet, playwright, activist, and scholar whose work includes Shake Loose My Skin and the forthcoming Morning Haiku. On... Read more →
An excerpt from Beacon Press Director Helene Atwan's remarks at the announcement of The King Legacy, a new partnership between Beacon Press and the Estate of Martin Luther King Jr. Read more →
A statement regarding recent cancellations of events featuring Beacon Press author Bill Ayers. Read more →
I'm proud to note that Beacon Broadside is celebrating its first birthday this week—what a milestone. All our metrics are strong—measures I didn't even know existed a year ago but which I now follow avidly. Thanks to a dedicated and very talented blog editor, Jessie Bennett, and especially to a tremendously creative and generous list of house authors and friends, we have a very deep archive of posts on almost any subject of interest to Americans who are drawing breath in the 21st century. This fall also happens to mark my 32nd year in book publishing, and my 13th as director of Beacon. I think I value the blog so much because it is so radically different from anything I could imagine back when I was banging out letters to authors on a Selectric, with white-out smudges betraying my all-too-frequent typos. Read more →
Several weeks ago, in the midst of National Poetry Month, I made an impulsive decision to drive out from Boston to Syracuse, New York, for a poetry reading. Mary Oliver was scheduled to fly from Logan for that reading, but I thought if I offered to intercept her on the connection from Provincetown and drive, it would give us some precious hours to talk and allow me the rare treat of hearing Mary read—an opportunity one should never pass up. Mary graciously accepted the offer of a ride and, as luck almost never has it, it was a beautiful early spring day when we set out for our five hour road trip. Read more →
by Allison Trzop Boston recently hosted an assembly of smart and passionate people focused hard on the buzzword "change." The event wasn’t a political rally, but the 2008 Nieman Conference on Narrative Journalism, themed "Storytelling in Many Voices, Many Media."... Read more →
by Helene Atwan I have the honor to serve as the Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award administrator for PEN-NE (please visit the web site if you don’t know this wonderful organization, devoted to the causes of literacy and freedom of expression). Last... Read more →
Tom Hallock, Beacon's Associate Publisher, spent last weekend in the company of 500 booksellers at the American Booksellers Associations' third Annual Winter Institute in Louisville, Kentucky. by Tom Hallock Independent booksellers, like independent retailers in other industries, have long been... Read more →
First and foremost for a publishing house, of course, are the books: in the reflection bank, the books we published in 2007; in the resolutions file, those we look forward to publishing in 2008. For any of you unfortunate enough... Read more →
In honor of banned book week, Beacon director Helene Atwan checked in with one of America's most beloved (and sometimes banned) authors, Lois Lowry. Lois and Helene became friends while serving together on the board of PEN New England, a... Read more →
Before Beacon Broadside launches, setting off into new territory for our press, I thought it might be good to think about the ways in which blogging distinguishes itself from print publication. I Googled the phrase “books not blogs,” and found... Read more →