5 posts categorized "Black Prophetic Fire" Feed

By Cornel West | Ida B. Wells is not only unique, but she is the exemplary figure full of prophetic fire in the face of American terrorism, which is American Jim Crow and Jane Crow, when lynching occurred every two and a half days for over fifty years in America. And this is very important, because Black people in the New World, in the Diaspora, Brazil, Jamaica, Barbados, were all enslaved, but no group of Black people were Jim Crowed other than US Negroes. Read more →

Cornel West's BLACK PROPHETIC FIRE is an unflinching look at nineteenth- and twentieth-century African American leaders and their visionary legacies. It's also a roadmap to how we can move beyond Ferguson and our current moment of racial disillusionment. Read more →

"Are we witnessing the death of Black prophetic fire in our time?" asks Cornel West in the introduction to 'Black Prophetic Fire,' one of three new book projects Beacon Press is planning with him. Read more →