11 posts categorized "Doctors of Conscience" Feed

By Carole Joffe and David S. Cohen: Abortion is many things in America. Divisive. Politicized. A fact of life. It is also, in the world of health care, unique. Part of what makes abortion provision unique is that it happens amid relentless efforts to create as many obstacles to it as possible. The preternatural determination of abortion providers overcomes most of these obstacles, but for too many women, there’s something else that makes their abortion possible: volunteers. Read more →

By Carole Joffe: The prospect of the overturn of Roe v. Wade—which the U.S. Supreme Court confirmation struggle over Judge Neil Gorsuch is highlighting—is terrifying to many, especially to those who remember the notorious pre-Roe days. It is also a real possibility, should President Donald Trump have the opportunity for another nomination, one that would replace a liberal judge with a “pro-life” one, as he pledged to do during the campaign. But if Roe falls, women may not face the same kinds of physical dangers from seeking abortion as in previous decades. Instead, however, I predict there will be far more criminal prosecutions of those involved in illegal abortion. Read more →

By Carole Joffe

Many who celebrated the success of the recent worldwide Women’s Marches—record-breaking numbers, wonderful esprit, and their peacefulness—were also gratified by the significant participation of men in the women-led events. This widely noted involvement of men in the marches prompted me to think of another important example of men supporting the aspirations of women, but one less noted today: the role of Black men in the struggle for abortion rights before Roe v. Wade legalized abortion nationwide. These men played crucial roles in key legal cases, introduced pioneering pro-choice legislation, and as doctors, made sure women could get this essential care. Read more →

By Carole Joffe Photo credit: Flickr user Fibonacci Blue This blog piece appeared originally on RH Reality Check As reproductive politics are once again consumed by an attack on Planned Parenthood, it is worth stepping back and asking why this... Read more →

Reproductive rights advocate Dr. Carole Joffe looks at President Obama's State of the Union proposal for expanded child care, and compares it with the sad history of child care legislation in the US. Read more →

Dr. Carole Joffe—author of 'Doctors of Conscience: The Struggle to Provide Abortion before and after Roe v Wade' and 'Dispatches from the Abortion Wars: The Costs of Fanaticism to Doctors, Patients and the Rest of Us'—remembers Dr. George Tiller, the late-term abortion provider who was assassinated five years ago, and examines the abortion situation in Kansas in the post-Tiller era. Read more →

Conservative mouthpiece Phyllis Schlafly recently claimed that the best way to improve women's economic prospects is to pay men more. Dr. Carole Joffee, author of 'Doctors of Conscience' and 'Dispatches from the Abortion Wars,' explains just how wrong Schlafly is. Read more →

After vandals destroyed abortion provider Susan Cahill's clinic, author and advocate Carole Joffe remember's Cahill's incredible contributions to abortion care in the US. Read more →

Because of all the ramifications of the abortion wars in this country, U.S. providers have become de facto social workers, fundraisers, and travel agents, to name just a few of their ancillary roles. Dr. Carole Joffe shows us a hidden side of the abortion issue. Read more →