By Michael Bronski Image from Flickr user Laverrue As we move into LGBTQ Pride month we are being met with a deluge of public discussions, events, breaking news stories, and potentially groundbreaking legal decisions that impact not only the queer... Read more →
9 posts categorized "Nancy Polikoff"
Two cases being argued before the Supreme Court this week have the potential to tip the judicial scales in favor of greater legal equality for LGBT families. Read more →
Nancy Polikoff explains why she wants the argument for marriage equality to be more about equality, less about marriage. Read more →
A new article from a famed expert in child development outlines that what really matters to kids is the relationships with their parents and caregivers, not the number or gender of same. Read more →
One of the groups affected by the end of Don't Ask Don't Tell: children with a gay service member for a parent. Read more →
It's been seven years since the first marriage licenses were handed out to same-sex couples in Massachusetts. Amie Klempnauer Miller, Nancy Polikoff, and Karen Kahn talk about what has changed and what challenges lie ahead. Read more →
Nancy Polikoff calls for laws that support all parents, not just married ones. Read more →
Most married same-sex couples think they have little in common with the hippie communes of the 1960's and 70's, but Nancy Polikoff looks at a Supreme Court decision that benefited both. Read more →
Things get complicated for same-sex couples filling out the Census forms. Nancy Polikoff looks at the many options for answering the government's questions. Read more →