7 posts categorized "The Crooked Mirror" Feed

Caitlin Meyer, senior publicist at Beacon Press, has some book recommendations (and a recipe!) just in time for Chanukah. Read more →

Since nothing beats getting cozy and having some quality time with a new paperback, we put together a list of seven recent releases that you can lose yourself in as the weather turns cold. Read more →

Louise Steinman, author of THE CROOKED MIRROR: A Memoir of Polish-Jewish Reconciliation, reflects on the opening of Warsaw's POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews and the evolving nature of Jewish remembrance in Poland. Read more →

The process of reconciliation, like the celebration of Passover, requires a leap of imagination, asserts Louise Steinman, author of THE CROOKED MIRROR: A Memoir of Polish-Jewish Reconciliation. Read more →