Hats off to all students graduating this season! Because whew! This is no easy time to finish up school. The ideal graduation ceremony would be outdoors, filled with the company and applause of loved ones. Most will be held online, some outside within the parameters of social distancing. It won’t be the same, and frankly, nothing has been since March last year. But isn’t that what graduating is all about? Growing into the next new phase, whatever that phase happens to be? Before we get all misty-eyed and sob into our masks, here’s a list of recommended reads for the occasion. Read more →
0 posts categorized "What Doctors Feel"
For years I dragged around poems in the pockets of my white coat, pressing them into the hands of unsuspecting medical students and residents. As an attending physician at a teaching hospital in New York City, my job was to supervise the medical students and residents. I had to ensure that our patients received good medical care and that our doctors in training were learning the ins and outs of inpatient and outpatient medicine. Read more →
Caitlin Meyer, senior publicist at Beacon Press, has some book recommendations (and a recipe!) just in time for Chanukah. Read more →
Danielle Ofri's acclaimed examination of the intersection of health care and emotion is now available in audiobook. Read more →
A new book from Danielle Ofri looks at the emotional side of medicine–the shame, fear, anger, anxiety, empathy, and even love that affect patient care. Read more →
What Doctors Feel: How Emotions Affect the Practice of Medicine by Danielle Ofri One of the NYTimes most emailed stories this week is from Danielle Ofri, MD: I never told anyone about my lapse — not my intern, not my... Read more →